me having a mexican mustache with my headphones

first stop recife! we stopped there just for the night because my hilarious cousin raul and his family lives there, now mind you raul is only 11 but he is probably my best friend in all of brazil. And he is such a stud, he is this little chubby kid who loves every one of his bountiful curves and knows how to work the sensual eye. its great. anyway, recife was a brazilian dream, its this crazy cool city with all kinds of colorful rusitc goods, and not to mention its one of the most famous places on earth for carnaval. party five! wapow!


this would be a billboard that is united states and argentina, with nicolas the exchange student at my house (from argentina) and i

city on the sea!

my host mama and i
coconut stop! so good
i made friends with this little homie, because her brother was playing some exotic instrument and she was giving out braclets, so long story long she gave me a braclet and we became best friends forever.
my host brother figured out how to take pictures in sepia on my camera, and snapped this one :)
alright so this was our boat trip day, where we went to 2 islands and hung out there all day. its was a fantasy and a half, minus the creppy man filming us tourists, to make a video, yeah he got way up in my buisness and after awkwardly filming me all day he decided to hit on me, and tell me that "all he wanted was me" and that he thought it best if we kissed. THINK AGAIN! strange man!
dang brazilian food takes its toll!
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