alright alright alright, so heres the low down on my christmas goods!
soookay, In brazil everyone here celebrates christmas on christmas eve, so this is me and my host sister (the brazilian godess) having a quick foto shoot before the christmas dinner at my relatives house. The night was a such a success, i ended up getting a nice little foot scrubber from secret santa, (yeah no one knows what to get the american girl for christmas) and i must say that scrubber gets the job done! And to top everything off, i got to meet my moms crazy sister who like to wear feathers on her head and eat fruit cake, she was great, we ended up being bff´s by the end of the night.
those are my two host bros sitting and listening to ray charles and reggae, yep greatest christmas combo ever.
new years! ok so this new years was a complete dream, first off its brazilian culture for everyone to either wear white or a light color, and each color means a different thing, but the main message is white which means peace. So to kick the night off my decided to have a huge party infront of my beach house in piranji, with all her doctor friends, and let me just say there really aint no party like a doctor party. it was nutts. At 12 01 we all headed to the beach to jump the seven waves which is seven wishes that you have to make, and yes it is extremely difficult to come up with 7 wishes in 7 seconds. Then the fireworks started, and i impressed everyone with the size of my mouth, by putting 12 giant grapes in my mouth at once (spanish tradition). Then after having a quick photoshoot on the beach, we headed back to the house where everyone started getting sauced. But of course with champain there must also be dancing so me and my host mom got down to buisness. I cant say i have ever seen so many 70 moves, but i was proud to be a witness. anyshways, after a bit of dancing i spotted igor (brazilian lover) and diogo, from affar watching me dance and dying with laughter. So when i asked if i could go hang with them my mom told me i could go, only if they danced with her. so they did. It was great. And about 30 seconds later we were off to go meet up with igor´s brother and his friend rafinha (new bff). Then we hit the beach and just did some hanging and running around time. Then at around 3 everyone started to get tired (which can not happen on new years) so we discovered a nice little energy drink place where jesus works, called MAD DOG. and after about a cup and a half of that i was ready for round 2! So we all headed to the beach again, and as the sun began to arise, we thought it only right to swim in the ocean with our clothes on, so we did, after about 20 minutes of convincing our metrosexual friend that the ocean would not destroy his new pants. AHhh it was such a dream, when we came back from the nice dip, igor decided to dig a giant hole while i decided to build chichen itza. And to top the night/day we watched the sun come up and just simmered in the adventure. oh and as we were coming home i spotted a wallet on the beach with like 300 bucks inside, which led to an investigation, on trying to find the owner, when we finally found him, he was still a bit woozy so he offered to buy us breakfast, which ended up being 7 beers at 7 in the morning, yeah I THINK NOT! so we fleed the scence and just went home to snooze. so there you have it, one slammin new years in brazil!
me and my cuz luiza keepin it real

living long and prosper of course
my other cousin raul and i just being hardcore
igor in the white and diogo in the plaid making their debue at the party, and yes that is my little hand creepin on igors side
ahhh my brazilian stallion, he is the bean and i am the rice!

the fam

soookay, In brazil everyone here celebrates christmas on christmas eve, so this is me and my host sister (the brazilian godess) having a quick foto shoot before the christmas dinner at my relatives house. The night was a such a success, i ended up getting a nice little foot scrubber from secret santa, (yeah no one knows what to get the american girl for christmas) and i must say that scrubber gets the job done! And to top everything off, i got to meet my moms crazy sister who like to wear feathers on her head and eat fruit cake, she was great, we ended up being bff´s by the end of the night.

new years! ok so this new years was a complete dream, first off its brazilian culture for everyone to either wear white or a light color, and each color means a different thing, but the main message is white which means peace. So to kick the night off my decided to have a huge party infront of my beach house in piranji, with all her doctor friends, and let me just say there really aint no party like a doctor party. it was nutts. At 12 01 we all headed to the beach to jump the seven waves which is seven wishes that you have to make, and yes it is extremely difficult to come up with 7 wishes in 7 seconds. Then the fireworks started, and i impressed everyone with the size of my mouth, by putting 12 giant grapes in my mouth at once (spanish tradition). Then after having a quick photoshoot on the beach, we headed back to the house where everyone started getting sauced. But of course with champain there must also be dancing so me and my host mom got down to buisness. I cant say i have ever seen so many 70 moves, but i was proud to be a witness. anyshways, after a bit of dancing i spotted igor (brazilian lover) and diogo, from affar watching me dance and dying with laughter. So when i asked if i could go hang with them my mom told me i could go, only if they danced with her. so they did. It was great. And about 30 seconds later we were off to go meet up with igor´s brother and his friend rafinha (new bff). Then we hit the beach and just did some hanging and running around time. Then at around 3 everyone started to get tired (which can not happen on new years) so we discovered a nice little energy drink place where jesus works, called MAD DOG. and after about a cup and a half of that i was ready for round 2! So we all headed to the beach again, and as the sun began to arise, we thought it only right to swim in the ocean with our clothes on, so we did, after about 20 minutes of convincing our metrosexual friend that the ocean would not destroy his new pants. AHhh it was such a dream, when we came back from the nice dip, igor decided to dig a giant hole while i decided to build chichen itza. And to top the night/day we watched the sun come up and just simmered in the adventure. oh and as we were coming home i spotted a wallet on the beach with like 300 bucks inside, which led to an investigation, on trying to find the owner, when we finally found him, he was still a bit woozy so he offered to buy us breakfast, which ended up being 7 beers at 7 in the morning, yeah I THINK NOT! so we fleed the scence and just went home to snooze. so there you have it, one slammin new years in brazil!
me and my cuz luiza keepin it real

No bueno...for reasons you know why but Im glad that everything else was frickin SWEET!