so i went to stay with my second family, while my current fam went on a vacay. it was a weekend of fantasy! i mean i lightly mentioned my addiction to cereal, my hunt to find peanut butter and to eat some bacon for breakfast (and here in brazil these guys think that a nude man running down the street would be less wierd as bacon for breakfast). so the next morning after being to treated to a pint of shrimp, i wake up to like 8000 bags on the counter, and my second host dad gilton, whips out 2 heavenly bottles of peanut butter that they found in some hidden market, 8 different kind of peanuts, salty, crunchy, grilled, sugared, cinammoned..etc. then comes my two very own boxes of cereal, and to finish it off, a nice ripe packet of breakfast bacon! i almost peed all over the place with excitment. anyway they took me and alyssa to the lake house, and no, keanu reeves and sandra bullock were not there, just us! it was such a dream, oh and turns out gilton has 3 passions in life, horses, wine and chuckling. which we got to see the best of! oh yeah and my host brother is a real beauty, yes!

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