ok so i have had a really rough 3 days and alecia used to tell me that writing always helps, so here goes.
1.i was told by a person living in my house, i looked really ugly for my 17th birthday party, and that all the parents were talking about how bad i looked. so much for feeling pretty.
2. i am sick of being bossed around to do everything.
2. just because i am an exchange student doesnt mean i know how to handle stress or guilt yet, so please dont put that on me!
3. i am bummed that i still have no friends.
4. i miss alecia
5. i miss my family, my moms pancakes and red hot chilly pepper blow outs, my dads 20 second hugs and fun! my sister in general, everything about her, my brother and his random rants on the meaning of life.
7. i am stuck home blogging on my favorite holiday, and i didnt even get to wear my harry potter costume!
6. i feel like poop right now, and i am not sure how to handle it.
hmm, i feel a little better, i am in a deep funk this time i guess
Saturday, October 31, 2009
surfs up!
i am taking 3 surfing lessons a week, in exchange i am teaching like 40 under privelaged kids/my suffer class, english, i am all chayfed up, and i have my first surfing scaps, and let me just tell you, it is NOT as easy as all the pro make it look. My biggest obsticle was just sitting on the board, i almost knocked like 3 dudes unconscience because my board kept flippin out from underneath me, but they cant complain because they know i will through out all my english craze all over them. so it works out. and i tell them everyday after i biff really bad, that its going to me hanging with kelly slater, in the end. they just think that is hysterical
curly mo!
so in my quest to further freak my brazilian family i decided to curl my hair, but not with a curling iron, because i do not have one of those, but i remember seeing somewhere how to curl your hair by cutting pieces off of a towel. and after a 20 minutes of trying to get my maid to give me a towel to use, i finally got to buiness. it stayed for 3 days. so thank you pioneers for all your clever tricks. and i mean all things considered, it is the curlies that get the girlies, yeah ok, they dont have a saying that applies to girls, but its all pretty relative. 

the orphange
so i got to go to an orphange with rotary and give presents and hang with all the little homies. they were truley the best, there was one boy that was like a slap in the face of energy, and when it came time for treats, he offered alyssa and i some of his one piece of chocolate, my heart melted. i want to work there because i fell so in love with them all. And i am pretty sure there is a new handshake in town because i taught them all the parent trap hand shake and they loved every second of it.
so here are so pictures of all the kiddies!

although it might look like it, this little girl was loving the camera, and it did love her back


its wierd to think we are both are missing or parents right now.

second host family love!
so i went to stay with my second family, while my current fam went on a vacay. it was a weekend of fantasy! i mean i lightly mentioned my addiction to cereal, my hunt to find peanut butter and to eat some bacon for breakfast (and here in brazil these guys think that a nude man running down the street would be less wierd as bacon for breakfast). so the next morning after being to treated to a pint of shrimp, i wake up to like 8000 bags on the counter, and my second host dad gilton, whips out 2 heavenly bottles of peanut butter that they found in some hidden market, 8 different kind of peanuts, salty, crunchy, grilled, sugared, cinammoned..etc. then comes my two very own boxes of cereal, and to finish it off, a nice ripe packet of breakfast bacon! i almost peed all over the place with excitment. anyway they took me and alyssa to the lake house, and no, keanu reeves and sandra bullock were not there, just us! it was such a dream, oh and turns out gilton has 3 passions in life, horses, wine and chuckling. which we got to see the best of! oh yeah and my host brother is a real beauty, yes!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
morp goodies!
success! i just found some dance photos from the morp dance that we had in may! the theme was beauty in the geek, so me and conner decided to go as den mothers. so enjoy!

Monday, October 12, 2009
17 year old magic!
alright, so my birthday was on sunday, first birthday in another country, and i got to spend my birthday weekend going to this a beach called sao miguel do gostoso! It was a dream! and thanks to everyone who wished me the goods! Anyway i woke up and all these late 40/ early 50 year olds started singing happy birthday to me in portuguese, and i have to give it to them they managed to hit some really high notes for people who were so hungover, so classic. they were really the greatest. And at night i met up with my host mom who surprised me with my deepest love, this gentle deliciousish brazilian chocolate cake made by a small woman named fatima. It was the best, and the next two days i got spend with the cake i kept sneaking pieces when no one was looking and i think i gained a good two pounds. so here are some birthday pictures i will put pictures of the trip up soon!
ahhhh mama love!

if you look closely you can see those are spark candles. they almost burned out my retna!

the wish is being placed.

Friday, October 9, 2009
hair cutty cut!
I got my hair cut yesterday! unfortunatly when its all straight it looks like a really sad 7th graders hair but its okay. It is still reddish, why? i have no idea. Anyway enjoy the photo op!
oh ps. as for the flower, well i found at my school and it was so pretty that i decided to carry it around with me all day

its baking time!
alright, so on my quest to bond with my brazilian homies, i decided to woo them with my cooking skills and backe them a nice batch of sugar cookies. It was just me and my maid at home and unfortunatly she had never heard of the concept of measure goods, so when i asked for a cup of sugar, she gave me a cup, with sugar in it. So ended guessing on everything, hoping they would come out famous. So after i had flour all over the house and all over me, the cookies were done! and man were they a slam dunk, only to me though, my family wasnt really having it, and my host dad brought home a giant chocolate cake that kind of stole my cookies victory. ha! anyway they were delish and i ate 9 of them in one sitting. fatty high five to me (wapow!)
ahh yeah thats it! cookie love!

just doin the mixins


workin space after 5 minutes of cleaning it

Sunday, October 4, 2009
alright, yesterday was one of the biggest concerts in the northeast region, and this little mama right here got to go! so here is just a little taste of what a brazilian concert is like both for small people, blonde, blue eyed people and foreign people. and trust me everyone knows your foreign, how you wonder? i have no clue? maybe because they take a huge waft of you when you walk by.
anywho onward! so concerts here are kind of a giant opportunity for everyone to get some lip action, with whoever, whereever and at anytime. Just walking around, everywhere you look there is some people making out. and you have to wonder if they have ever met, the likely hood of that is pretty slim. so doubt it. All you have to do is make eye contact and they come over and start workin the magic. As soon as i got in the concert i was informed that people will grab and my hair because i was blonde and blue-eyed. they did. everywhere i went the dudes were brushin my hair with their fingers and grabbing at me to kiss. its a brazilian thing i think. oh thats another thing, if they want to kiss they grab at you, they pull your arms back, grab at your clothes and try to hold your hand and some are pretty dang persistant i had to fling whip my arm out of this one guys kungfu grip. But there was this one 40 year old man who was like five two, who pointed at me from a far and started dancing toward me, so alyssa grabbed me and we started to waltz really fast to fend him off. it didnt work, he wasnt having it, so we started to run, through the crowd, as we look back, there he is trottin behind us with his little martini, we stopped because we thought we lost him. we didnt i looked behind me and his head pops up and hes like "you are zee one i vant". so we kept running. after a wild goose chase we finally lost him fewf! as a whole the night was pretty dang interesting. so as a warning, if you ever want to go to a show in brazil, brace yourself. these people have no problem gettin up close and personal. its classic.
anywho onward! so concerts here are kind of a giant opportunity for everyone to get some lip action, with whoever, whereever and at anytime. Just walking around, everywhere you look there is some people making out. and you have to wonder if they have ever met, the likely hood of that is pretty slim. so doubt it. All you have to do is make eye contact and they come over and start workin the magic. As soon as i got in the concert i was informed that people will grab and my hair because i was blonde and blue-eyed. they did. everywhere i went the dudes were brushin my hair with their fingers and grabbing at me to kiss. its a brazilian thing i think. oh thats another thing, if they want to kiss they grab at you, they pull your arms back, grab at your clothes and try to hold your hand and some are pretty dang persistant i had to fling whip my arm out of this one guys kungfu grip. But there was this one 40 year old man who was like five two, who pointed at me from a far and started dancing toward me, so alyssa grabbed me and we started to waltz really fast to fend him off. it didnt work, he wasnt having it, so we started to run, through the crowd, as we look back, there he is trottin behind us with his little martini, we stopped because we thought we lost him. we didnt i looked behind me and his head pops up and hes like "you are zee one i vant". so we kept running. after a wild goose chase we finally lost him fewf! as a whole the night was pretty dang interesting. so as a warning, if you ever want to go to a show in brazil, brace yourself. these people have no problem gettin up close and personal. its classic.
Friday, October 2, 2009
darn you sickness!
ok so about 3 days ago i was feeling good and healthy, so i decided to share with my host mom, how excited i was for not getting sick, because normally i am completly prone to sickness and i always get sick when i go to different places. Well turns out i jinxed myself, the next day after eating some lunch i started to feel like i was undergoing quimotheropy! i came home at about 11 o clock after a charity thing, and just lost it. i was freezin cold, i couldnt walk and my throat felt like the mount vesuvius volcano! it was horrific, so i popped in some pain killers and was off to bed. unfotunatly the brazilians drugs dont really work the magic, because i thought i was dying. but i ended up sleeping untill 2 the next day and i only left my room to get a piece of toast. and who knew walking to the bathroom that is only 5 feet away could feel like climbing the wall of china. anyway its been 3 day, i havent left the house once and i feel like chopped liver. and to finish it all off the only thing on tv is the baldwin brothers true hollywood story and dr. phil's thoughts on cougars! ahhhh
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