my first saturday here, and i was invited to a going away party for my brother daniel, who is headin to europe and natalia, is lifetime friend who is also going to europe. the party was a hoot and a half, and in this sleek zillion dollar house/hangout place.
to start i was individually introduced to everyone of his friends, a little awkward, but fun. then as i wondered around i came across this girl who i met 2 days back, named rita. she introduced me to her friend and the rest was chemstry, of friendship i mean, we giggled and wondered around for a bit talking about music. But onward, the next stage of the night was dancing, and yes i did shake what my mother gave me. and quite well if i may say so myself. as the night carried all the kids were getting completely sauced.(with all the alcohol bought by the parents) and this one girl kept telling me she loved my in english, she passed out abouta n hour later. then i met a genius kid who is going to M.I.T. that was educating, but while i was talking to the child prodigy this other kid came over that was really drunk but started talking to me in austrailian english. it was priceless. he was so interesting, the whole night he was talking about all the serious and gnitty gritty buisness of life, and death and everything else. it was actually one of the best conversations i have had, even if he wouldnt even remeber it the next day, anyway the wierd part was he was tall, had black curly hair and a nice snouze, like and old friend of mine, freaky deaky friday! and who knew that a common effect of drinking is brazil is talking in english, total bonus for me! any the part was sweet, and the whole time my brother was giving all the boys that talked to me the, "hey thats my sister face" it was hilarious. 

I'm guessing that cigarette buds are somewhat like cheetos in brazil? BADDAAASSSS!