i have just returned from the 3 day trip i took with all the foreign exchange kids in the north east of brazil. so heres the skinny.
day one
we started out getting on the bus for our 10 hour drive to maragogi beach, i met this kid that just got here and will be going to my school here, his name was david and he was and Austrian dude, unfortunatly he didnt speak portuguese and his english consisted of him always sayin. "oh thas goot, oh thas no goot." i also made friends with 3 canadians and got lots of canadian swag. everytime i talked to them i tryed to get them to say aboot, and sorry, so my first question to all of them was "so whats canada about" and then they would say "well its about...." or i would poke them, and then say sorry so they would be like "oh why are you sourry" but turns out my plan was foiled because they never responded like i hoped 2 of them just thought i was a nervous perv. when we got there i was roomed with completly silent roomates, one girl from germany, canada and finland. except the girl form finland dropped the "f" bomb every 15 seconds. But not to worry she gave me finish chocolate to compensate, which was a beautiful combonation of fluffy joy and joyness. then i got thrown in the beach with my clothes on by the Austrian kid which them spawned a plot for silent revenge. can anyone say "make up when he is sleeping" hah hah! later that night we went for dip in the ocean which i was freaked about, because of the high possibility of coming across andicondas!

day 2
we woke up went to the beach for some swimmin time then napped for an hour. we then went to a 2 hour meeting where we learned the rules, but im thinkin the craziest exchanger will be the girl from taiwan because she couldnt speak enlglish or portguese. later we were put into teams for some activities, and they made me head captain because i came up with the group name "grfyndor," so everytime we won we could yell 10 points to grfyindor. we then played limbo and i brought the honor to the team due to all my bend. But to end on good terms we left our feelings on the dance floor and danced the night away.

day 3
breakfast NOT in america

this little guy was just hangin havin some banana while we were eating, he had friends but they werent really people monkeys

we packed our stuff up and head home, on the way the mexican kid was sad he hadnt succeeded in getting his groove on so he ended up finding redemption by trying to make a baby with my friends hand. yeah freaky deeky dutch. then the austrian kid and the mexican girl started a love connection with eachother. who knew we were ridding on the freakin love bus!